Friday, March 30, 2012


Relaxing at the Woodlands Market Square
Over the weekend, Les and I went out of town for a few days. It was the first time in a very long time and can I tell you, I hope it won't be so long again.  We used to make a practice of going at least twice a year; now it has gotten to be maybe once every couple years.  We had a GREAT time.  Most of that is due, at least in part, to my husband's dedication to shopping...NO REALLY, he loves it. Old Town Spring, Michael's Arts and Crafts, Kirkland's Home, The Woodlands Market Square and yes, even Best Buy, all that was on Saturday.

Field of Blue Bonnets
On Sunday, we decided we had been to all the shopping places we couldn't find at home so we thought about going "In Search of the Blue Bonnets." What a perfect choice.  The day was beautiful and we had nothing pressing to do, so we started driving West on 290 (can you believe Les passed up the Prime Outlet Mall?)  After driving for quite a while we noticed about 10-15 cars lined up on the side of the highway. Afraid there had been an accident, we pulled into the left lane and slowed down.
People are Wild
  Lo-and-behold there were tons of people climbing fences, crawling through barbed wire and pulling kids after them.  They had found the Blue Bonnets.  I'm not from Texas, but I thought I had heard somewhere that it was against the law to deface the state flower...and that was some defacing. Babies were lying on blankets, moms were sitting on the ground, I even saw a dog go through.  We didn't feel that was the place for us to try to get our pics.  Les doesn't climb fences well and I don't climb them at all, so on we went. A few miles down the highway, another line of cars and wild people heading for the wild flowers. One group is naturally wild but I had to wonder about the others as well.  It was quickly becoming obvious we were not going to get close enough to get pictures of the beauty of nature, so we decided to ride a little further and go to Brenham, home of Blue Bell Ice Cream.  
Blue Bell
I think this is where the search became a little confused in our minds.  Was it Blue Bonnets or Blue Bell??  Maybe since we got closer to the ice cream factory than the flower patches, surely that was a sign.  But wait... the factory was closed.  Oh my, now what should we do?  Eat lunch at Casa Ole, of course, and continue on our journey.
Off the Beaten Path
We must have driven in a 30 mile crooked circle, seeing some beautiful ranches, woodlands and yes, we found our Blue Bonnets.  
They were smaller patches, but no people to trample them.  Les got some pretty pictures, although it was so bright the blue wasn't as true as I expected.  Also a lady told us at lunch we had probably come a weekend or two too soon.  But for us, our day had been a complete success, our search produced both Blue Bell and Blue Bonnets.
Texas Blue Bonnets
This was one the most relaxing days we've spent in a long time.  If you are all tied up in day-to-day crazies, I recommend taking time to Search For The Blue Bonnets and enjoy the journey on the way.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's The Simple Things

Why do we set ourselves up with tasks that are overwhelming and in some cases next to impossible.   Maybe because by having a long "to do list" it makes us feel a sense of accomplishment.  Yes, we do need to accomplish certain things in the old saying goes, "there's two things in life you HAVE to do, die and pay taxes".   Oversimplified for sure, but my thoughts tonight run more to the "small, or simple things in our lives".  The things we might do to relax or enjoy life, like stopping to smell the flowers, admire a beautiful sunset or smile at a child as we pass by.

Some of those things, for me, are spending time with family and friends, sitting outside with my coffee early in the morning, listening for the train whistle late in the evening.  I enjoy giving gifts either from my time or my abilities, and crafts are especially fun.  Another small pleasure I gain from the making and sharing of these, comes from the time spent with my daughters and my friends.

February was a very busy crafting month, a baby scrapbook, gifts for Zackary and Hunter's classmates and teachers, and getting to help two friends (and my granddaughter) make their first-ever scrapbook.  Toni and I both worked like beavers to complete the projects for the second month of 2012.

There are days when the simple things are as easy as sitting across the desk from my hubby (interrupting him with IT questions) but still hearing his voice and seeing his face. Then there is cuddling in the chair watching Hunter play Mario Cart.  That, though, gives me a sneak preview of what it might be like to ride with him when he's old enough to drive, scary thought, or listening to Zackary tell me about his last drawing (he's really very good for nine years old).

The last of the simple things in my life that I will talk a little about, is time sitting in a hotel suite with my three Diva sisters discussing everything from childhood memories to politics, our Faith (shhhhhh, that is not for the public to know), and shopping. Since we have come to the knowledge that the roses, train whistles, coffee sipping and even family don't last forever, the closer we have become.  When you've known friends for almost your entire lifetime, those activities become simpler and more precious every day.

The moral of this blog, I suppose, is enjoy the simple things in your
life, even if you  have to sit down and make a list of them first.
Oh, did I mention that blogging about people and events in my life is another simple pleasure...

Love To All,