Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Story of an Humble Servant

Today I read a story, one of a servant, who could be you or me. It went something like this...

   "Forgive me Father, I am a sinner and for this I am truly sorry. I know I have committed hurtful and unjust assaults against Your love for me; You, the only one who is perfect and without sin."
   "You know my child, I have forgiven you, even while you were in your sin. I have forgiven all mankind, while you gave no thought to what manner of men you were."
   The servant, on his knees, with head bowed low, whispered "But, how can that be, I have repented of my sin to my brothers, those who have served You along side me, but to no avail. I have lost all You have given me, even that from my earthly father, but still those, my brothers, withhold their forgiveness. There have been false and unjust lies told at my expense, and gossip has run rampant through your place of Worship with heads held high and tongues on fire. I am distraught and without representation, will you remain silent, or come to my rescue?" 
   "My son, I have known and watched you from the time you were in your Mother's womb; I know your very soul. I know you understand my commands on such as forgiveness, love and brotherly kindness. Forgiveness is not their's to give, only your's to request, but in not giving that which has been asked, it seals a curse of their own, in not being forgiven that which they have done, no one is without sin."
   "My Word tells of many such instances of those who have served me, Mighty men of my own heart, who in their serving have sinned. Sins earthly men may consider grave and unjust. Have I not accepted their request for forgiveness and given it? Have I not continued to let them serve me in their giftedness, not without consequence, but with full acceptance?"
   "In all things it is Mine to judge; whether it be the service done, the heart of those who do the work, or the intent with which they do so. Through my Son, and your Brother who loved you all with his life, I extended to you forgiveness and entrance into my Kingdom."
   As the son listened to his Father, as a sheep listens to its Shepherd, he recognized the Truth of the words spoken. In fact, he had read and told others of these Truths.  
   "Tell me father, to what extent do I continue to be held captive to those who would hold me to be an example, whether of what others should expect if under their leadership, or only to pass a message to me of their power. Can the world be held in contempt by those would be leaders?"
   Of course the Father knew this was a concern to his Son, but let him ask the question anyway, then he answered..."To those who put rules on people, not given by me, there is but one thing I have to say, Hypocrite and Pharisee, "Depart from me, for I never knew you."
   "Thank you Father for listening to the ramblings and concerns of one so much in your debt. It is to You I owe my very being. Thank You too for your loving kindness for all, even sinners." 

   This story is a true story, a story we should all take to heart, one that saddens so many because of the unjust actions of some. No man/woman is given the right to condemn a child of God, for God Himself says, "there is no condemnation for those who love the Lord." For each of us who has taken the words of our God and twisted them to meet our own wants and desires, I pray we would leave what ever we are doing and seek forgiveness from our brothers, sisters and most of all, our Father.