Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Story of an Humble Servant

Today I read a story, one of a servant, who could be you or me. It went something like this...

   "Forgive me Father, I am a sinner and for this I am truly sorry. I know I have committed hurtful and unjust assaults against Your love for me; You, the only one who is perfect and without sin."
   "You know my child, I have forgiven you, even while you were in your sin. I have forgiven all mankind, while you gave no thought to what manner of men you were."
   The servant, on his knees, with head bowed low, whispered "But, how can that be, I have repented of my sin to my brothers, those who have served You along side me, but to no avail. I have lost all You have given me, even that from my earthly father, but still those, my brothers, withhold their forgiveness. There have been false and unjust lies told at my expense, and gossip has run rampant through your place of Worship with heads held high and tongues on fire. I am distraught and without representation, will you remain silent, or come to my rescue?" 
   "My son, I have known and watched you from the time you were in your Mother's womb; I know your very soul. I know you understand my commands on such as forgiveness, love and brotherly kindness. Forgiveness is not their's to give, only your's to request, but in not giving that which has been asked, it seals a curse of their own, in not being forgiven that which they have done, no one is without sin."
   "My Word tells of many such instances of those who have served me, Mighty men of my own heart, who in their serving have sinned. Sins earthly men may consider grave and unjust. Have I not accepted their request for forgiveness and given it? Have I not continued to let them serve me in their giftedness, not without consequence, but with full acceptance?"
   "In all things it is Mine to judge; whether it be the service done, the heart of those who do the work, or the intent with which they do so. Through my Son, and your Brother who loved you all with his life, I extended to you forgiveness and entrance into my Kingdom."
   As the son listened to his Father, as a sheep listens to its Shepherd, he recognized the Truth of the words spoken. In fact, he had read and told others of these Truths.  
   "Tell me father, to what extent do I continue to be held captive to those who would hold me to be an example, whether of what others should expect if under their leadership, or only to pass a message to me of their power. Can the world be held in contempt by those would be leaders?"
   Of course the Father knew this was a concern to his Son, but let him ask the question anyway, then he answered..."To those who put rules on people, not given by me, there is but one thing I have to say, Hypocrite and Pharisee, "Depart from me, for I never knew you."
   "Thank you Father for listening to the ramblings and concerns of one so much in your debt. It is to You I owe my very being. Thank You too for your loving kindness for all, even sinners." 

   This story is a true story, a story we should all take to heart, one that saddens so many because of the unjust actions of some. No man/woman is given the right to condemn a child of God, for God Himself says, "there is no condemnation for those who love the Lord." For each of us who has taken the words of our God and twisted them to meet our own wants and desires, I pray we would leave what ever we are doing and seek forgiveness from our brothers, sisters and most of all, our Father.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The American Dream - How Do We Use Ir

   Tonight as I sat up after everyone else in our house had gone to bed, I read a blog posted by someone I don't even know. I will not criticize what she believes or writes about. It just struck me odd the way she lead into her writing.
   Seemingly she had just returned from a country whose people live in poverty. That is not, in and of itself hard to believe or an assumed state of affairs. What bothered me about this blog, was the fact that the writer seemed to believe that as Americans all we have to do is look at a large portion of the world and realize we are different and somehow less people of God because we are not poverty stricken, at least not most of us. That waking from the "American Dream" is somehow our ticket to becoming more Godly. I think the Dream differs greatly from person to person.
   She had a lady in the car with her (which is part of the American Dream, having a car) was shocked that their family had one of an item for each member of the family (5 items) and thought they owned a store to sell them. I might add that as a child I too would have been a little taken aback, while living the American Dream, that one family had five of something my family only had one of. We were a family of 5-7  and had one item we all used for play and my brothers used it to go several miles to work at times. If I remember correctly, my dad worked three jobs to provide one very old one, for us all to share. Again part of the "American Dream".
   The tone of the blog led me to think she thought we are less God's people because we have taken the blessings he has given us and either through hard work or leadership, formed a nation where teaching ourselves to fish, gave us an opportunity that just receiving a fish would not, again for the most part. I believe God created man in his image. I do not believe he created some smarter,or wealthier, but maybe some under less nobble authority.
  This blog sounds very righteous and very biblical, but the first thing that pops out to me, is the writer still lives in America, and even at her lowest level, lives the American Dream. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to have, to wake yourself from the Dream, it is just not a true account of what God has asked us to do. He has not called the whole world to be poverty ridden and stricken with need. 
   He has, instead called us to be the light and salt of the world, not the light under the bushel, but his love that shines through us, not hiding in hiding. 
   He calls us to help whom we can help, he tells us, to those he has given much, he expects much in return and yes, that much can be shared with those who have little, or nothing. 
   He made a perfect world and populated it with people, or his children to whom he gave free will. I'm sure he wanted us to use it to his Glory, not everyone did.
   He told the sluggard, he who will not work, neither shall he eat.       He gave us the example of the ant who lays up in store for the winter when he will have no food. 
  He doesn't say we can't have more than one of something.
  He instead tells us to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, visit the sick, and those in prison, those, his brothers. 
   Saving the whole world is not our job, it is his. 
   Showing the world his love living in us, is our job. 
   If you are materially blessed, by all means use your materials to help those who have need, 
   If all you have is mercy, show mercy to those who do not know it.    If all you have is kindness, or gentleness, be kind and gentle, and love those who do not know the Love of God.
MARK 12.30 
Love 1 the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’2 

LUKE 10:27
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you  soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as your self.
   Friends, God did call a few to sell all and follow him, the rich young ruler for one, but he knew his heart and knew he could/would not do that, to his loss.
   He also knows our hearts. He knows what we have in abundance and what we don't in our need. I do not think he intends his people to throw back at him the blessings he has provided to us, but for us to be willing to share and use those blessings, what ever they might be.

   When we, his sheep know his voice the way he, the Sheppard knows each one of us his sheep, we can trust he will lead us to do his perfect will. If you ask him, and truly listen, he will tell you, show you the plan he has for you.

   We need to stop trying to make helping the world in need a one size fits all help. Seek to know your part and do it. Leave others to their own.
In His Love,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Love a Story

    You can find one in the delightful antics of a toddler, on a walk in the quiet coolness of a foggy morning, or in the middle of a riotous celebration of friends taking a road trip. There is a story to be found in most every day.

   Not all stories start out to be that; sometimes they just happen, especially when you aren't looking. Then as you look back over a life lived, the high spots start to rise and soon the whole thing has taken on a personality of it's own...a story has been born.
  Today there is a special story I would like to highlight, it's one of those kind that slip up on you when you're not looking. 
   Think back in time with me and enjoy this one. You will probably finish with one very similar in your own mind.  Enjoy...
   Some sixty-odd years ago, while I was still too young to know that stories actually happen to people, while I still thought they were just the "once-upon-a-time" ones that moms everywhere read at bedtime, this story began.
   I was an only girl in an all boy family and had no friends of my own, until one day I remember being at my aunt's house and realizing the somewhat younger girl there was my cousin.  
   I don't remember really meeting her, she was just always there...we were always together.  The younger years of paper dolls, skinned knees, eating Popsicles in the back yard, staying at each other's house, playing in the sprinkler... just always was.
   Then one day I remember their family moved into the house next door to ours, that's where our story really started.  By this time we were around eight, I think.
   There was only a shrub fence between our front yards, and her bedroom window was right across the driveway from mine.  We knew there was a "lights out" but the consequences were not strong enough to remove the temptation to talk through the window. This was before air-conditioning and our windows were always open. It was as if when the lights went out, our day continued.
   The nights, just before we had to be inside, were shared lying on our backs looking at the stars and talking about what might be out there, in the darkest of dark (science was only for school).
   Right after school was a time for playing, cutting limbs off trees, riding bikes and arm wrestling the guys down the street. (and always beating them)...hmmm, maybe that's why we both married guys not from the neighborhood. Although those guys were our protectors, companions and confidants when we needed one, as well as "dates to all things school related." To Jr. high dances, dance parties at her house, etc.
   You've heard the saying "girl fight", well we were the best, we could have majored in that subject and have a thriving business teaching girls today.  Right there between my driveway and her shrub hedge, we would kick, bite, pull hair, scratch skin off with nails, bend arms back 'til the other cried, "Give"; and on and on. When we were both too tired to even remember what the fight was about, we sat down to plan who would spend the night at whose house.
   Then as we got older, and started high school, (I mean she was just a little kid then, she couldn't drive a car, or anything REAL teenagers could do), we developed our own set of friends and life started to happen.  I got married, had a baby and moved away, then she got married and started having babies, too.  The only times we were together were Christmases when the family Christmas Eve get-together came around.  We could still pick up the phone and start our last conversation where it left off though.
   Fast forward some thirty-ish years (I guess, time doesn't transfer in my stories, as relationships do). 
   Now enter the Diva years.  She and I, along with the friend I met in first grade, got together and became THE DIVA'S, before you could even find bling that says "Diva."  We have traveled, talked, shopped, ate, talked, cried, talked and have formed a golden chain not easily broken by life.  
   Since I have nothing to give as a tribute to my BFF, COUSIN, and DIVA SISTER, you get to be the feature of my story. Have a beautiful Sunday afternoon and, I love you DS.