Friday, October 26, 2012

"United we stand, Divided we fall"

The title of my post has been something I have been thinking about for several months, maybe longer.  It doesn't mean I have come to any answers to the things I am going to blog about, it just grieves me to realize our country has come to such a point of division.

I know there are other statements alluding to this concept, and credence given to others for it, but Patrick Henry said these words in the last speech before he died.  Henry was passionate about his belief that standing together was a strengthening strategy against the enemy.  Henry's enemy was maybe more discernible than ours, in retrospect.

If one part of the statement is true, (and I believe it is) the other is also true. The enemy in our midst today is not as recognizable as it was for Henry or his countrymen. While we would like to paint politicians and "the other side" as that enemy, I believe they only bring out our own selfish desires.

How do we, as a people living in these United States of  America, in the twenty-first century, determine who, or what has caused the divide we feel so strongly, and how do we fix it?

I believe the electricity surrounding this year's election has at least set the tone for some of the division and heightened emotions that erode relationships between neighbors, friends and even family members.  We don't consciously say it, but, if their views, concepts, feelings and at times core beliefs differ from ours, it makes them somehow wrong and less "evolved".

It seems, as a nation, we are becoming more judgmental and our ideology is that of excesses. We can't balance the idea that God created both this country and it's resources (actually the world's) and human life.  We believe we should conserve the former and, when convenient, trash the latter.  We think balance comes only by adding and subtracting.  We have become a people expecting someone else to pick up the slack, either for us or someone else.  Religion is good, no it is is good, government is bad and vice versa.  There never seems to be a common ground any more.

It seems the media thinks they are all knowing.  IF we could get clean, no spin news, we might be able to make decisions free of the practice of journalism "mind control", but that also plays into our own selfish desires of getting what we think we should have.

Who can honestly say we are getting smarter and more advanced as a nation when we rip our fellow countrymen apart because of their ideas and beliefs.  We are all allowed our own beliefs and even to express them, for that I am thankful, but to belittle, bombard and chastise others for seeing and believing differently is just wrong.  This is where our political "leaders" should come to the table (hum, another concept just presented itself to me, but for another time) and work for the people, not against them.

If somehow we, as Americans, don't get a grip on our obsessive, and belligerent actions, this nation WILL fall, just as other great nations have in the past.  When we are so inner focused and rigid about the fact that everyone should live by "my personal code", we overlook God's will for our lives.  Believe it or not, He does have a plan.  That plan may not become known to us now, but it will become known.

There are times I can't imagine that plan would differ from mine, (enter humor here) as we all do, but I pray for His Grace and Mercy to each of us and also the ability for us to show that same grace and mercy to others.

There! I just found my answer...That we grant the same Grace and Mercy to others that we feel we should receive from them.

I know there are lots of people who will read my blog and have ideas about what I have said.  I give you that freedom and I do enjoy reading yours in return.  I don't write without a lot of soul searching and self evaluation and I hope you read with the same.

I love and appreciate each of you.

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