Sunday, November 15, 2009


******************Being a Mom******************

For the past couple of months I have been preparing for and participating in a class on identifying and dealing with wounds and hurts (real or perceived), the lenses we see life through, and how these things affect our interactions with others. After saying that, I want to say the class only relates to this blog through my experiences in it.

If you are a mom (or maybe a parent) you might find yourself nodding in agreement with me as you read. I hope the journey will be as touching for you as mine was today.

I sat with three other people in our group, we have reached the "practice" stage of the class and I was the first to present my problem, for lack of a better word. What started out to be an assumed problem turned out to be a real one for me instead. The problem, "I just don't know how to fix what hurts those I love deeply, I'm afraid I might loose them. Some of those God gave to me to protect and teach and con ...oops, did I almost say the "C" word? (you know, the one moms never consider they do) control, but in a good way, like in "...teaching, correcting, training..." What I got when I asked that question was not what I expected, a "how to for dummies". It was an impression, or picture, or a vision, depending on how you feel God interacts with you. For me it was a picture. Not of me helping those people, but rather of Him helping them. Holding or carrying them like in the print of "Footprints" reminding me that when they (or myself in this case) only saw one set of footprints in the sand, they were His. We talked about it for a little bit and as I left class I saw completely different pictures.

You see, sometimes we forget what our "job" is. I DO believe that job includes some of the above things when our children are young. It is part of the role of a mother to instruct, nurture and train our little ones. Not for the purpose of making them into "mini mes" or what ever we precieve is best, but rather for Kingdom service. Giving them tools to use to live life the best they can and to love and trust the Lord as their friend and saviour. In so doing it frees us to love them and appreciate their uniqueness and strength and it frees them to make mistakes and learn the Grace God so wants to give. It frees Him to reach in and heal hurts and wounds, both for our loved ones and for us.

That's what this day was about, not figuring out how I can fix the hurts, but learning how to let God do that. I think it just might remove a wall that separates parents and children, friend and friend, self and God.

His blessings to me come in the forms of daughters, sons, their spouses, grand children, brothers and their families, friends -some closer than sisters, some of long standing and some new. Times of laughter, weddings, births, parties and living life together. Times of remembering the investments made into our lives by those who have loved us and gone to rest in Perfect Peace. I pray we will all give credit to these times in our lives as gifts, with out strings, from our Loving Father, Creator, Protector, Provider; our Abba (Daddy God) get to know Him and let Him do His job. No one can do it but Him.

I know in some cases this seems an over simplistic approach and in the midst of attack we don't always default to trusting. My prayer is that we will more often make that our focus. Enjoy those in your life and let everyone know how much you love them.
I Love You

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