Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just A Few Memories

.......................From My Heart To Yours.......................

In choosing to write this, I have had to think over events long past and by some, maybe best forgotten. I don't, however choose to forget a man who has lived just weeks short of 92 years on this earth.

On the lives he touched, and in most cases changed, finger prints were left to be read like one might read a book. Though all the stories would be the same. 'Live life, love people and serve God".

His story started with his wife "Dot" (or granny to the family), and his kids and extended family, and traveled with him to church, and through out many counties and even states.

I remember:
... him driving an old blue truck
... a rambler with the back floor board out
(and him spitting out the front window and it flying in the back window)
... holding "little Wayne" in the front room at the old house
... a green pick up with a dash so full of papers he couldn't find anything
... calling home to see what granny needed from the store
...him with "toodles"(granny's little dog) at the old house
... chopping and stacking wood
... his face when Jonathon started to lead "Elvira" in church
... reaching out to the "younger generation" RJ and David Hutton
at the "new house"
I don't remember:
... him getting angry
... spanking a grand child
... loosing his temper
... stopping at a red light

I know there are many people who saw him every day and remember many stories and adventures they shared with RJ Redd, they are worth a mint. Please remember and share these memories, keeping the legacy alive for his family and yours. You will be continually blessed.

To my sister-in-law Linda, her sister and brothers, my nieces and nephews and their families, and to my own children... my heart goes out to you. He was a special person.
May His Life Continue To Glorify God Through Each Of You

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Dee Dee. You were so right about the red lights. I loved the pictures.
