I read a blog today written by someone I don't personally know. We know some of the same people, but I had never heard of the author. There has been something nagging in the back of my mind lately, just beyond recognition. It is becoming more clear the more times I read his posts. It did not originate with his writing, but became clearer to me with the reading of it.
He was actually writing in this particular blog about the "Irksomeness of Prayer". It took me awhile to come to the conclusion that he really just felt let down and at a loss because God obviously COULD have stopped the Tsunami in Japan, but didn't. He referred to another writer's statement that, though that we pray the same prayers over and over, there is no real resolution. Or, is it just no real resolution in the way we would have chosen? To believe there is no resolution would seem to indicate God is either deaf and can't hear our prayers of repetition, or has a memory retention problem.
Neither is the case. He knows full well what is happening on His earth, and yes He could make it turn out differently. I ask, whose outcome should He choose? Would it be mine, or yours, our neighbors, or our enemy's? I say that because none of these people would have a problem with control, right? It has to be one of those categories though because God's resolution is not good enough for those He created.
That's why our country is in turmoil, as is most of the world. Some do assume they have more knowledge than other people, but trust me, it's only an assumption.
The question still remains, what do we do with a God who allows things to happen? Things that are truly bad, or wrong, or just out of character for our loving God. Here is a concept. I admit I sometimes struggle with this and in fact am struggling with it right now.
What if we try "Trust" or maybe "Faith" (could be the same thing). I realize I, myself, cannot accomplish what I'm asking of Him in our present situation, but I believe "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world".
Is it possible we pray to the Father with a ready made wish list and only notice the biggies we don't receive? We aren't aware of the answer if it doesn't come packaged with brand name recognition.
Can I wrap my mind around why tens of thousands of people die in one disaster? NO... or why a young family aches and hurts and misses the daddy who was doing his very best to lead and take care of his wife and children, but died anyway? NO...Do I have an answer for destruction of nations by other nations? NO...Do I think God needs me to tell Him what He should do about it? NO...
What I do believe is that He wants us to talk to Him. He wants to hear something other than "gimme" or "I want" or "ARE YOU LISTENING" "HEY, DID YOU SEE THAT WALL OF WATER"? (shouting here)
It isn't for Him though that we talk , it is for us so that we might come to a trust that comes only with knowing and being familiar with someone. A best friend or brother or sister who knows us better than we know ourselves and vice versa.
Is it possible we transfer our disappointment and lack of control onto God? Sure it is. I do pray each of us will learn to trust that He knows the number of hairs on our head and also choose to believe that His ways are greater than our ways and His love is bigger than our love. That He loves the people of Japan, Chili, Iraq, Iran, even the whole of this earth with a knowledge and love we cannot even imagine.
We don't believe He hears or is big enough because we are afraid we might be disappointed. Fear is at the core of our not believing but "Perfect love casts out all fear".
There is one who would love nothing more than to convince each of us that God doesn't have a grip on what He is doing and what His plan is for His people, that one can only approach you and share his lies with you if you invite him in.
It it is my hope and yes, my prayer, that each of us invite our Friend to go for a walk, boat ride, to sit in the sunny cool breeze of spring and learn to talk and trust the one who holds you in His hands. Don't be afraid of the really big jobs because His hands are big enough to hold the jobs and to hold you too.
Love to each who reads my thoughts.
Your friend, Alma
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ReplyDeleteThat was one of your best. Keep it up. We love you. I love you...