Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Time To Wait On God

He says to us in Psalm 46:10
..."Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among nations, I will be exalted in the earth"
..."Stop your striving and recognize that I am God! I will be exalted over the nations, I will be exalted over the earth!" (NET)
..."Cease striving and know that I am God. I will be exalted in the earth." (NASB)
..."Be silent and know that I am God. I will be honored by every nation, I will be honored throughout the world." (NLT)
..."Be at peace in the knowledge that I am God. I will be lifted up among nations, I am exalted in the earth" (NRSV)
..."Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at Me, your High God. Above politics, above everything" (MSG)

This has been one of my favorite verses for many years. I guess as long as I've been old enough to recognize my limited ability to control the days of my life. Of course I grew up on the words from the NIV, but as I have been looking at, and drawing strength from this verse , especially this past year, the Message says it in a way that addresses what we, you and I, understand and need.

It seems to say, "duh, slow down, get out of the way of what's running over you and focus on Me. Just let your eyes rest long and lovingly on Me. Soak in Me as you might in a pool of water.
(My mental picture) Don't focus you eyes only on your problems. I am your High God, not the things that distress you everyday, no matter how important they seem to be. It tells don't have to worry, I can not only manage it all, I will be honored and held up before all these things you fret over and let consume you, Trust Me.

Tonight we were coming home from the Y, after swimming with the boys for an hour or so. Everyone had fun. As we were leaving, Toni signed Zack and Hunter up for swimming lessons in August. Zack cried and begged to not have to be taught by someone he did not trust. He worried about lots of things and wondered why we would trust someone else to teach him to swim, he trusted us. I asked him several questions and then thought, as adults, we worry about just the opposite. We choose people we don't know, instead of trusting the One who knows all.

How many times, even in one day, do we say "I'm at my wit's end, there is just too much, I can't seem to make the right decision, and all the time we are looking everywhere but at our Father God. The Creator of all the earth. If you haven't spent much time with the above verse, and reading it in different ways, I urge you to do so. It gives me peace and even courage that the things I stress and strife to solve are not too big for the God of all the earth.

Nothing profound tonight, just sharing my favorite verse with you and telling you a little of what it means to me.
Love you all...

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