Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Busy Week Ahead

For those of you who are parents and grand parents, the words "last week of school" has a meaning others just don't understand. This week Cheyenne will have her sixth birthday on Monday, and has awards day starting at 9:00am. Zackary has awards day starting at 9:00am Tuesday morning and they both have"end of school party" on Thursday, as well as early dismissal on Thursday. Michael has graduation on Friday and a party on Saturday. I haven't talked to Tabitha yet to see if Abby will "promote up" like public school now or not. She has a little more relaxed schedule than the others. Sunday afternoon Cheyenne will have her birthday. Somewhere in here I have to pack for a week long trip. Papaw and Nana will not be here for anything after Friday night. (I haven't gotten to next week yet)

We will leave on Saturday morning to go to New Mexico to see David and Stephanie and their family. We will also see Les' parents for a few days while we are out there. We really enjoy visiting with them, only it makes me miss my parents.
We are looking forward to a busy week with lots of family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, make sure you sleep all the way to New Mexico. Congrats to Michael and hurray for the end of school for everyone. I miss your parents also. One I didn't get to know, but I miss her.
