We had a wonderful time visiting with Libby, Bernard and Cade. (oh, did I mention Kelsey?) She is Cade's watch puppy. Did I say puppy? She only thinks she is a puppy I'm not sure I want to see her when she's five. I hope Cade will mind half as well as Kelsey. They've done a great job with her. Once she got right up by Cade and put her face on his feet and didn't want Nana or Papaw to pick him up.
The first couple nights we were there, Cade had a tummy ache and tried his best to tell us about it. All we did was feed him and mommy and daddy took turns sleeping on the couch while holding him. Then on the third night I noticed he seemed to eat, cry and eat again. Pulling his little legs up when he cried. We determined it was colic and brought in the "baby walker". Everyone knows who that is...papaw...He has spent many hours through the last 18 years walking grand children with colic. They seem to respond to his calm, security.

We love you sweet Cade and can't wait to see you again.
This is a great blog welcoming in your new grandbaby. I know Les did a wonderful job lulling sweet Cade to sleep. You can tell by the pictures he is well loved.